AMSA Exhibit Hall - Future Physicians for Change

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AMSA Exhibit Hall

See below for last year’s Convention 2019 Exhibitors.

A Convention favorite, the Exhibit Hall is your one-stop shop for all your needs and the tools you value most as a physician-in-training. Come, see, and learn about the medical profession’s products, services, and programs.

Convention 2020 exhibitor information coming soon!

Exhibit List by Booth/Table

Exhibitor Booth/Table
02 Ross University School of Medicine 
03 Kaplan Medical 
04 Kaplan Test Prep
06 MedSmarter
07 UWorld
09 TrueLearn
10 Examkrackers
11 Stat Pearls
12 New York Clinical Skills Prep
13 Merck Manuals
14 Skyscape
15 BoardVitals
16 VisualDx
17 US Navy Recruiting Command
19 Child Family Health International
20 The Suture Buddy
22 Pastest
23 Next Step Test Prep 
24 Wolters Kluwer
27 Meded Media
28 Canopy
29 OnlineMedEd
30 R3/Saba University School of Medicine and Medical University of the Americas
31 American Society of Hematology
32 Vituity
33 PASS Program
34 Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
35 Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
36 Maximo Nivel International 
37 Atlantis Fellowship
38 Elsevier
40 St. George’s University 
41 The Medical Store
42 Lecturio GmbH
43 American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) 
44 The Princeton Review
45 Pinnacle Educational Services
46 Thieme Medical Publishers 
47 American College of Radiology
50 COHA (Clinical and Translational Science Award One Health Alliance)
52 Army Medical Recruiting 
55 National Practitioner Data Bank
56 CommonBond
57 Kaiser Permanente Residency Programs 
60 Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI)
61 St. George’s University of London – Cyprus Program
62 National Organization for Rare Disorders
63 American Psychiatric Association 
64 Ponce Health Sciences University 
65 Body Interact
67 Guns Down America
68 Medscape
69 SonoSim
70 Physicians for Criminal Justice Reform
71 The Institute of Medical Boards
72 Altius Test Prep
74 InsideTheBoards
T01 Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
T02 Walk with a Doc
T03 National Board of Medical Examiners
T04 Atlantic Pension Planning
T05 Global Brigades, Inc. 
T06 Cachamsi
T07 Reproductive Health Access Project
T08 American Society of Nephrology
T09 Rheumatology Research Foundation 
T10 RESULTS Educational Fund
T11 American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM)
T12 SoFi

Exhibit List by Company

Exhibitor Booth/Table
35 Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
72 Altius Test Prep
43 American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
T11 American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM)
47 American College of Radiology
63 American Psychiatric Association 
31 American Society of Hematology
T08 American Society of Nephrology
52 Army Medical Recruiting 
T01 Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
T04 Atlantic Pension Planning 
37 Atlantis Fellowship
15 BoardVitals
65 Body Interact
T06 Cachamsi
28 Canopy
19 Child Family Health International
56 CommonBond
50 COHA (Clinical and Translational Science Award One Health Alliance)
38 Elsevier
10 Examkrackers
T05 Global Brigades, Inc. 
67 Guns Down America
74 InsideTheBoards
57 Kaiser Permanente Residency Programs
03 Kaplan Medical
04 Kaplan Test Prep
42 Lecturio GmbH
36 Maximo Nivel International 
27 Meded Media
68 Medscape
06 MedSmarter
13 Merck Manuals
T03 National Board of Medical Examiners 
62 National Organization for Rare Disorders
55 National Practitioner Data Bank
12 New York Clinical Skills Prep
23 Next Step Test Prep 
29 OnlineMedEd
33 PASS Program
22 Pastest 
34 Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
70 Physicians for Criminal Justice Reform
45 Pinnacle Educational Services
64 Ponce Health Sciences University
30 R3/Saba University School of Medicine and Medical University of the Americas
T07 Reproductive Health Access Project
T10 RESULTS Educational Fund
T09 Rheumatology Research Foundation
02 Ross University School of Medicine 
14 Skyscape
60 Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI)
T12 SoFi
69 SonoSim
40 St. George’s University 
61 St. George’s University of London – Cyprus Program
11 Stat Pearls
71 The Institute of Medical Boards
41 The Medical Store
44 The Princeton Review
20 The Suture Buddy
46 Thieme Medical Publishers
09 TrueLearn
17 US Navy Recruiting Command
07 UWorld
16 VisualDx
32 Vituity
T02 Walk with a Doc
24 Wolters Kluwer

Would you like to exhibit, sponsor or get involved?

Lend us your name and we will follow up to see the best way to fold you in.