Sponsor - 2025 - Future Physicians for Change

Before you go...

Don't miss keynote speaker updates, deadlines, and everything you need to know to join us in D.C.!

  • Registration Welcome Bag ($7,500)
  • Welcome Bag inserts ($1,000)
  • Water Bottle/Tumbler ($7,500)
  • Lanyards ($7,500)
  • Hand Sanitizer ($1,000)
  • On-site Meter Boards ($1,000)
  • Onsite Registration ($10,000)
  • Step and Repeat Banner  ($3,500)

AMSA AWARDS | $2,500 for 1 award sponsorship

  • AMSA/GLMA LGBT Health Achievement Award
  • James Slayton National Award for Leadership Excellence
  • National Golden Apple Award for Teaching Excellence
  • Paul R. Wright Chapter Success Award
  • Women’s Leaders in Medicine Award
  • Racial Justice Award
  • Outstanding Premedical Student Award
  • Presidential Distinguished Service Award
  • Digital Healthcare Achievement Award
  • Paul Ambrose Outstanding Student Activist Award
  • Advocacy Day Lunch – Thursday Slots available $2,500
  • AMSA After Hours – Thursday and Friday Slots available  $2,000
  • Award Ceremony – $15,000
  • Busses to the Hill – Thursday, Slots available $1,500
  • Expert Sessions – Friday & Saturday Slots available $3,500
  • Ignite Session – (3) $5,500
  • Lunch in the exhibit hall  – Friday & Saturday Slots available $5,000
  • Pre-Health Fair Sponsorship  ( 3 available) $2,500
  • Poster Session Sponsorship  slots available $2,500
  • Residency Fair & Specialty Fair (3 available) $2,500
  • Sim Challenge Overall (exclusive) $10,000
  • Simulation Breakfast – Saturday  $15,000
  • Snack in the exhibit hall – Friday & Saturday Slots $1,500

Would you like to exhibit, sponsor or get involved?

Lend us your name and we will follow up to see the best way to fold you in.