Help us spread the word about #FP4Change!
Early bird rates are on through May 15 — so now is the best time to grab your seats. A few options for sharing are below, video trailer, static graphics, etc. Browse & share with your communities.
Short trailer
Sample caption
A swarm of future physicians are headed to Phoenix, AZ this June for three days of inspired learning, networking and advocacy. This is Future Physicians for Change — AMSA’s 73rd annual convention — this year amplified for impact. Take a quick peek of what’s in store and register today: #FP4Change
Speaker/Exhibitor/Sponsor sample caption:
This June, I’ll be [presenting / exhibiting] at Future Physicians for Change — AMSA’s 73rd annual convention. Here, [I’ll, we’ll] be sharing [ideas and inspiration] to empower medical students from across the country and globe to become tomorrow’s changemakers and leaders. Take a quick peek to see what’s in store and join in: #FP4Change
Static Graphic
Customizable caption:
If you go to one convention this year, it should be this one: Future Physicians for Change. This is AMSA’s annual convention — the one that has brought the fire for over 70 years — now amplified. This 3-day event is designed to empower, train tomorrow’s physicians from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. This year, AMSA’s joining forces with other organizations to exponentially increase impact. You don’t want to miss this — and if you book before May 15, you get the lowest rate. Join us! #FP4Change
Download this graphic here.
A package deal
Customizable caption:
Thinking about becoming an AMSA member? This is the time. Two birds, one stone: register to attend Future Physicians for Change — our annual convention on June 15-17 — and you’ll automatically become an AMSA member (fees waived!). Select the “non member fee” to register for the event, and we will take it from here. Your future physician-self will thank you — and we’re looking forward to having you join us >>