House of Delegates & National Elections 2024 - Future Physicians for Change

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House of Delegates & National Elections 2024

House of Delegates & National Elections

The House of Delegates (HOD) is truly where AMSA’s members take ownership of the Association. As AMSA’s official policy-making body, the HOD allows representatives from each local medical chapter to meet once a year at the Annual HOD Meeting to vote on AMSA’s policies and to elect our national officers. The HOD is open to all members of AMSA to speak and vote. You, AMSA’s members, debate the issues, make the amendments and cast the votes to shape AMSA’s policies. Most importantly, any member of AMSA has the ability to write and submit resolutions to the HOD. We encourage everyone to submit.

Our by-laws come in two parts- one is the Preambles, Purposes, and Principles (PPP), which dictates what AMSA is allowed to advocate for. We also have the Constitution and Bylaws of Internal Affairs (CBIA), which share the structure of AMSA and how we govern ourselves. These documents, hand in hand, help make us the organization you see today.

The 2024 House of Delegates will take place virtually. This meeting is open and free to all AMSA members. Please register below to receive important updates and the meeting login information. Contact with questions.

Resolution Submissions Deadline: December 20th, 2023

Our Nominations, Credentialing, and Reference Committees help our House of Delegates run, and can be a stepping stone to more leadership opportunities in the future. Learn more at our website! Applications will close on December 5th, 2023.

2024 HOD will be February 3, 2024

Exact schedule of events will follow.


Would you like to exhibit, sponsor or get involved?

Lend us your name and we will follow up to see the best way to fold you in.