Exhibit Hall Location & Schedule - Future Physicians for Change

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Exhibit Hall Location & Schedule

Exhibit Hall
Location and Schedule

Location – Coming Soon

Schedule Coming Soon

Exhibit Hall schedule is subject to change. Exhibitors may enter the Exhibit Hall beginning one hour prior to the opening of the Exhibit Hall each day. Exhibitors are asked to be in their exhibit at least 15 minutes prior to the open times above encase the Exhibit Hall needs to open early due to Convention programming sessions ending early. On the final day of the Exhibit Hall, all exhibitors must close their exhibits promptly and vacate the exhibit area no later than 4:45pm to achieve maximum security.

Dismantling of exhibits in the Independence Center may not begin before 4:30pm on the last day of exhibiting. No portion of the exhibit may be removed before this time. All goods must be crated for shipment immediately following the close of the exhibits at 4:30pm. All exhibit materials must be removed from the exhibit area by 7:30pm at which time the Exhibit Hall will be closed to exhibitors. Exhibitors who need additional time for move-in or move-out must submit their request in writing by May 15, 2023. All such requests will be considered on an individual basis.



**Exhibit space in the Independence Center must be claimed by 5:00pm on move-in day. Exhibit space not claimed by 5:00pm may be reassigned without refund of rental paid. All exhibits must be set-up and ready for business by 11:00am on the first day the hall is open to attendees.

Would you like to exhibit, sponsor or get involved?

Lend us your name and we will follow up to see the best way to fold you in.