Schedule 2023 - Future Physicians for Change

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Schedule 2023

2023 Schedule


8:00am – 5:00pm

AMSA National Leadership Training (Invitation Only)

– Detailed schedule will be sent to participants prior to the meeting

10:00am – 12:00pm – AMSA National Leadership Training (Invitation Only)

11:00am – 2:00pm – SIM Challenge Preliminary Round
And we’re off! Watch as teams put their skills and knowledge to the test during Sim Challenge! Each team will be presented with a clinical case that requires them to exercise clinical skills and strong communication. Will your favorite team be the best?

1:00pm – 3:00pm – Advocacy Day Workshop: Introduction to Narrative Leadership
Devorah Donnell, MD, Family Medicine Physician, American Well (Amwell), Intend Health Strategies
More and more, organizations and teams are committed to advocacy and change, and many of our most inspiring leaders are focusing on the skill of storytelling in new and innovative ways. Stories inspire, help people understand complex topics, build resilience and connections, and drive collective action. In uncertain and challenging times, stories can help us regain our sense of connection and purpose. When we tell our own stories–rather than those about patients or others–it can be a powerful leadership and team-building tool. In this two-hour workshop you will learn skills and a practical framework to strengthen connection and community through the transformative power of story.

2:30pm – 3:30pm SIM Challenge Quarter Final Round 1
Watch as teams put their skills and knowledge to the test during Sim Challenge! Each team will be presented with a clinical case that requires them to exercise clinical skills and strong communication. Will your favorite team be the best?

3:15pm – 4:15pm – A Win for You, A Win for Them: Advocacy to Overcome Barriers to Mental Health Care
Eileen Barret, MD, MPH, Faculty, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Do you know someone who didn’t want to seek mental health care because they were afraid it would affect their medical career? If so, you’re not alone. Medical applications can ask about mental health diagnoses and it deters people from seeking treatment for mental health conditions. But these applications can be changed! In this interactive session, participants will learn about the problem and solutions, including tools that are geared towards student advocacy on affecting meaningful change in medical schools. Attendees will create a plan to take action, as individuals, as AMSA chapters, and with other stakeholders.

4:30pm – 6:00pm – Get Ready to Fall in Love…with Social Change! It’s Speed Dating with Advocacy!

4:00pm – 5:00pm – SIM Challenge Quarter Final Round 2
Watch as teams put their skills and knowledge to the test during Sim Challenge! Each team will be presented with a clinical case that requires them to exercise clinical skills and strong communication. Will your favorite team be the best?

6:30pm – 7:45pm – Opening General Session and Keynote Address: Health Care Innovation & Technology for Impact
Shuhan He, MD, Emergency Medicine Physician, Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
This session will explore the possibilities for using technology at scale to improve healthcare outcomes and will showcase some of the most innovative work done in the healthcare sector with digital health. Examples will be provided across a variety of sectors, including non-profits, for-profit/private sector organizations, international humanitarian aid, and research. This talk is a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the field about the exciting potential of healthcare technology to make a real impact on people’s lives.

9:00pm – 11:00pm – Advocacy Social

7:00am – 8:00am – Guard Your Heart: A Relaxation Session for Health Care Students and Professionals
Tasha Phillips-Wilson, MS, MS4, St. George’s University School of Medicine
As you prepare to dedicate your life to provide care for others, it is important to remember that your health is essential. Come and center yourself during this stretch and release session designed just for you.

8:00am – 9:00am – SIM Challenge Quarterfinal Round 3
Watch as teams put their skills and knowledge to the test during Sim Challenge! Each team will be presented with a clinical case that requires them to exercise clinical skills and strong communication. Will your favorite team be the best?

8:15am – 8:45am- AMSA National Leadership Meeting (Invitation Only)

9:00am – 10:45am – Clinical Skills
Clinical skills will be offered on a drop-in basis: stop the bleed, suturing, airway management and intubation, bone marrow extraction and more!

9:00am – 9:45am – Specialty Spotlight; Hematology & Oncology
Azam Farooqi, MD, Medical Oncologist & Hematologist, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers
Take part in a discussion reviewing aspects of Hematology & Oncology as specialty options in addition to what it’s really like to practice in a private, community setting.

9:15am – 10:15am – SIM Challenge Quarterfinal Round 4
Watch as teams put their skills and knowledge to the test during Sim Challenge! Each team will be presented with a clinical case that requires them to exercise clinical skills and strong communication. Will your favorite team be the best?

10:00am – 10:45am – Mindsets, Cognition, and Well-Being
Stuart Slavin, Md, MEd, Vice President for Well-Being, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
This session will provide a brief overview of mental health outcomes of physicians-in-training, describe common mindsets such as perfectionism that medical (and premed) students may possess that can contribute to distress and adverse mental health outcomes, and close by teaching simple cognitive strategies to hep manage these mindsets and mitigate their distress.

10:00am – 10:45am – Medical Students Organizing and Advocating for Reproductive Justice in Medical Education
Anna Hindman, Economic Justice Coordinator, AMSA Community and Public Health Action Committee
Avanthi Jayaweera, MD,  UNC Family Medicine Resident Physician, AMSA Graduate Trustee
Mackenzi McHugh, MD, Resident Physician, OBGYN, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Aliye Runyan, MD, Physician, Westchester Medical Center
Kelly Thibert, DO, MPH, Family Physician
In the post-Roe era, we are witnessing direct attacks against medical education and training in abortion care, family planning, and trans-affirming care – all of which are evidence-based, compassionate, person-centered standards of care. Join this roundtable discussion about the importance of medical student advocacy for reproductive health medical education that centers Reproductive Justice, and which addresses the historical and on-going harm caused by our profession’s entanglement with white supremacist cis-heteropatriarchy.

11:00am – 12:00pm – General Session and Keynote Address: Following the Oath or the Law: Teaching Civil Disobedience in Medical Training
Kristyn Brandi, MD, MPH, FACOG, Complex Family Planning Specialist, Physicians for Reproductive Health
Ignite speaker: Captain Ryan Matheson, US Army
This session will review the link between the work of physicians and other institutions like the government. We will review the role of civil disobedience within healthcare and discuss the pros and cons of utilizing this framework in the post-Dobbs era.

12:00pm – 3:00pm – Exhibit Hall Open: Lunch from 12:00pm – 1:00pm
A Convention favorite, the Exhibit Hall is your one-stop shop for all your needs and the tools you value most as a physician-in-training. Come, see and learn about the medical profession’s products, services and programs. Exhibiting organizations and companies may also be giving away cool prizes, too!

1:00pm – 2:00pm – SIM Challenge Semifinal Round 1
Watch as teams put their skills and knowledge to the test during Sim Challenge! Each team will be presented with a clinical case that requires them to exercise clinical skills and strong communication. Will your favorite team be the best?

1:00pm – 5:00pm – Clinical Skills
Clinical skills will be offered on a drop-in basis: stop the bleed, suturing, airway management and intubation, bone marrow extraction and more!

1:00pm – 1:45p – Residency Panel
Avanthi Jayaweera, MD,  UNC Family Medicine Resident Physician, AMSA Graduate Trustee
Roselyn Neville, MD, Resident Physician, Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara
Hear from our panel of current residents about the residency match process and how to become well-rounded and competitive applicants.

1:00pm – 1:45p – MCAT Myths Debunked
Petros Minasi Senior Director, Pre-Health Programs, Kaplan MCAT
If you’re preparing for the MCAT, you need to attend this session. Learn from Petros Minasi, Jr., MCAT expert and mentor, as you answer practice questions, gain insight and get ready to crush the test.

1:00pm – 1:45p – Employing Art for Equity
Michael Zirulnik, PhD, Associate Professor of Medical Humanities, School of Medicine & Assistant Vice President of University Relations, Creighton University Health Sciences Campus – Phoenix
Explore powerful cases of how and where art is used for equity. Participants will experience the fundamental concepts of observation that artists use in daily practice. Through the examination of his Art for Equity popup exhibit at FP4C, Dr. Zirulnik will outline myriad ways in which future physicians for change, can employ the arts for equity in healthcare. The session concludes with exercising a simple and potent tool participants can use at will.

2:00pm – 2:45pm – The Healer’s Voice: Writing for Advocacy and Health Literacy

2:00pm – 2:45pm – Medical School Admissions
Jennifer Brown, MD, Medical School Admissions Consultant, Kaplan
Get the inside scoop on medical school admissions and learn how to help your application stand out from the crowd.

2:00pm – 2:45pm – Death and Dying in the US: Hospice Impact and Career Opportunities
Joseph Shega, MD, Chief Medical Officer, VITAS Healthcare
This presentation will provide an overview of serious illness care in the US with a focus on end of life care and the role of hospice. Through case examples attendees will appreciate the benefits of hospice care for patients, families, and the health system. These examples also highlight the rewarding experience for physicians dedicated to making an impact around this universal experience.

2:15pm – 3:15pm – SIM Challenge Semifinal Round 2
Watch as teams put their skills and knowledge to the test during Sim Challenge! Each team will be presented with a clinical case that requires them to exercise clinical skills and strong communication. Will your favorite team be the best?       

3:00pm – 3:45pm – Twin Pandemics: Advocating for a Culturally Sensitive Clinical Response to HIV + COVID Impact on Minoritized Patients      
Maranda C. Ward, EdD, MPH, Assistant Professor and Director of Equity, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
With a global focus on COVID, HIV prevention efforts are deprioritized- harming the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ patient populations disproportionately impacted by both pandemics the most. There are a range of health system barriers to routinizing HIV screening that education alone will not address. PCPs must be structurally competent to recognize what delays identification of HIV and COVID risks and subsequent poor outcomes. 

3:00pm – 3:45pm – How to Run a Successful AMSA Chapter
Adjoa Owusua Cofie M3, Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, AMSA Vice President for Programming Development
Educational workshop aimed to empower and encourage AMSA leaders on revamping, improving engagement in their chapter with sustainable projects and leadership development Initiatives.

4:00pm – 4:45pm – Students as Patient Allies and Advocates: Using Your Voice for Change
Richard Bruno, MD, MPPH, Senior Medical Director of Primary Care, Central City Concern
AMSA’s Advocacy Coaching program is a new way for students to connect with advocacy experts on a variety of issues. Learn more about the program and develop your own advocacy project at your campus or community.

4:00pm – 4:45pm – Perfecting Your Residency Application
Anh Nguyen, MD, Program Director, Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center
Join this session and get a Program Director’s perspective on how to present a well rounded residency application. 

4:00pm – 4:45pm – The New School: Educating Medical Students Via Social Media
Mutahir Farhan, MD, Internal Medicine Physician, Founder and Creator of MadMedicine
Hear how social media can be utilized as an agent of change in healthcare, specifically by digital and data techniques to drive effective results. Attendees will gain insights into the various analytics data available from social media platforms. The discussion will be geared towards understanding how social media campaigns can reach the right audiences, improve engagement, and enhance the overall impact of social media in the healthcare industry.

5:00pm – 7:00pm – Exhibit Hall Open and 28th Annual Poster Session
Present your research project to a VIP panel of AMSA experts and leaders at FP4Change — here you can promote your work— hone your public speaking skills, network with influencers and boost your CV. (Oh, and win prizes if you nail it!) This is AMSA’s Poster Session — a huge convention draw every single year.

A Convention favorite, the Exhibit Hall is your one-stop shop for all your needs and the tools you value most as a physician-in-training. Come, see and learn about the medical profession’s products, services and programs. Exhibiting organizations and companies may also be giving away cool prizes, too!

8:00pm – 11:00pm – We Need New Rituals: Bodily Autonomy, Consent, and Correcting the Moral Compass of Medicine
At Your Cervix Screening (75 mins)
Post-screening discussion (60 min)
Theater for Social Change activity (45 min)
A’magine Nation, Filmmaker, Sex Educator, and Feminist Activist 
Ryan Sutherland, MPH, MPhil, Theater for Social Change Facilitator and Medical Student, Yale School of Medicine
Ari Silver-Isenstadt, MD, Associate Medical Director, Family Health Center at MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center
Award-winning documentary film, At Your Cervix, breaks the silence about how medical and nursing students learn to perform pelvic exams in the U.S.The film exposes how students are often taught on unconscious patients without their knowledge or consent. At the same time it offers an empowering solution that will revolutionize how pelvic exams are performed in schools and clinics across the country. Following the film, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss your thoughts along with the director and producer, A’magine. The evening will conclude with an immersive and shared experience of co-creating new rituals for justice and healing in the House of Medicine.

7:00am – 8:00am – Guard Your Heart: A Relaxation Session for Health Care Students and Professionals
Tasha Phillips-Wilson, MS MS4, St. George’s University School of Medicine
As you prepare to dedicate your life to provide care for others, it is important to remember that your health is essential. Come and center yourself during this stretch and release session designed just for you.

8:00am – 9:00am – Focus Groups

8:15am – 8:45am – AMSA National Leadership Meeting (Invitation Only)

9:00am – 10:00am – Pre-Health Fair
Still trying to decide where to go to med school or thinking about a gap year? Talk with experts from medical schools and organizations that have programs just for you.

9:00am – 10:30am – Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) Workshop (Med Only)
Kristyn Brandi, MD, MPH, FACOG, Complex Family Planning Specialist, Physicians for Reproductive Health
Avanthi Jayaweera, MD,  UNC Family Medicine Resident Physician, AMSA Graduate Trustee
Mackenzi McHugh, MD, Resident Physician, OBGYN, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Aliye Runyan, MD, Programming Strategist, AMSA Reproductive Health Project 
Kelly Thibert, DO, MPH, Family Physician
Did you know that abortion care and miscarriage care require the same clinical skills? Practice these essential skills in this MVA workshop, where you’ll work with a papaya as a uterine model. This workshop is limited to 50 medical students, and requires that you add your name to the workshop sign-up form (at Member Hub desk).

9:00am – 10:45am – Clinical Skills
Clinical skills will be offered on a drop-in basis: stop the bleed, suturing, airway management and intubation, bone marrow extraction and more!

10:00am – 10:45am – Intro to AMSA Leadership
Rohini Kousalya Siva, MD, MPH President, American Medical Student Association
This session will review the many different leadership opportunities AMSA has and what members can take part of. We will be discussing ways to get involved and how to create impactful work in our communities.

10:00am – 10:45am – Med School Interview Tips and Tricks
Michele Lee, MD Physician Advisor, Med School Coach
Are you applying to medical school? This session will cover everything you need to know about conducting a standout interview. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to learn from an expert with interviewer and admission committee member experience.

11:00am – 12:00pm – General Session and Keynote Address: The Art of Perception: See What Matters
Amy Herman, JD, MA, President at The Art of Perception, NY Times Bestselling Author, Art Historian, Lawyer
Ignite Speaker: Jordan Vivian, Director of Advocacy, FIGS
The Art of Perception is an engaging session that will teach participants how to analyze works of art to improve observation, perception, and communication skills in both clinical landscapes and patient relationships. Designed to address skills necessary to enhance visual acuity and shift situational awareness, the presentation also uses works of art to dismantle biases and assumptions that impede best practices and diminish patient satisfaction. Prepare to have your eyes opened when you didn’t know they were closed.

12:00pm – 4:00pm – Exhibit Hall Open: Lunch from 12:00pm – 1:00pm
A Convention favorite, the Exhibit Hall is your one-stop shop for all your needs and the tools you value most as a physician-in-training. Come, see and learn about the medical profession’s products, services and programs. Exhibiting organizations and companies may also be giving away cool prizes, too!

1:00pm – 5:00pm – Clinical Skills
Clinical skills will be offered on a drop-in basis: stop the bleed, suturing, airway management and intubation, bone marrow extraction and more!

1:00pm – 2:30pm – SIM Challenge Championship Round
Watch as teams put their skills and knowledge to the test during Sim Challenge! Each team will be presented with a clinical case that requires them to exercise clinical skills and strong communication. Will your favorite team be the best?

1:00pm – 1:45pm – Bodily Autonomy, Consent, and Pelvic Exams
A’magine Nation
Ari Silver-Isenstadt, MD, Associate Medical Director, Family Health Center at MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center
Aliye Runyan, MD, Programming Strategist, AMSA Reproductive Health Project 
Anna Hindman, Chair, AMSA Community and Public Health Action Committee

1:00pm – 1:45pm – Visual Intelligence Real World Application: Review of Clinical Cases
Kelly Thibert, DO, MPH, Family Physician
Hone your visual intelligence by analyzing art in ways that sharpen how you see people. Patients. Potential biases. And, in turn, the decisions you make in the clinic.

1:00pm – 1:45pm – HealthCare Data Analytics: AI, & Machine Learning
Shuhan He, MD, Emergency Medicine Physician, Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Suhanee Mitragotri
This talk delves into the possibilities of using healthcare data analytics to transform healthcare. We will highlight the latest trends in AI, machine learning, and big data and explore how these technologies can be used to analyze healthcare data in new and innovative ways.

2:00pm – 2:45pm – Data-Driven Considerations to Optimize Application to Residency
Jason Reminick, MD, MBA, CEO, Thalamus
The session will help attendees understand how data and analytics can provide insight into the residency application and match process. This includes how geography impacts interviews and the match, how supply and demand drive match rates, why interview hoarding is a myth and should be renamed, how specialty-wide single release interview days affect scheduling, and much more!

2:00pm – 2:45pm – (Just the) Tips & Tricks on How to Have the SexTok
Olivia Richman, MD, Family Medicine Physician
Talking about sex can feel awkward, embarrassing or weird, but Dr. Olivia is here to show you how to make it clear, comfortable and safe. Her “SexTok” discussion will reviews the reasons as to why it’s difficult for healthcare professionals to talk about sex with patients, and what barriers we have to overcome as physicians – and as humans – in order to provide the best care to patients. Join Dr. Olivia in making quiet conversations, LOUD!

2:00pm – 2:45pm – Do No Harm in Global Health: What to Know Before You Go
Mariah Blevins, MPH, Child Family Health International
Embarking on a global health experience is a unique and enriching opportunity that requires a deep understanding of the complex global realities when traveling abroad. The session will discuss the potential pitfalls of global health engagement, such as perpetuating power imbalances and engaging in unethical and harmful practices, and provide guidance on how to avoid these pitfalls. 

3:00pm – 3:45pm – Abortion Provider Panel: Getting the Training and Support You Need
Kristyn Brandi, MD, MPH, FACOG, Complex Family Planning Specialist, Physicians for Reproductive Health
Avanthi Jayaweera, MD,  UNC Family Medicine Resident Physician, AMSA Graduate Trustee
Mackenzi McHugh, MD, Resident Physician, OBGYN, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Aliye Runyan, MD, Programming Strategist, AMSA Reproductive Health Project 
Kelly Thibert, DO, MPH, Family Physician
Participate in this panel discussion featuring abortion providers, and learn about abortion care training and delivery in our post-ROE era.

3:00pm – 3:45pm – Your Path to Wearing the Whitecoat – Personal Statement Writing Session
Petros Minasi, Senior Director, Pre-Health Programs, Kaplan MCAT
The personal statement is your chance to tell admissions officers who you are! Learn valuable tips for writing the personal statement and how to stand out above the rest.

3:00pm – 3:45pm – Exploring Medical Specialties – What To Think About And What It Takes
Michele Lee, MD, Physician Advisor, Med School Coach
How should I pick my medical specialty? How can I best prepare myself for a successful residency application? What do I need to stand out from the crowd? In this talk, we break down how to approach and succeed in the next phase of your medical training – selecting and matching into a specialty.

4:00pm – 5:00pm – Closing General Session and Keynote Address: The Root Causes of High Drug Costs: Multiple Levels of Scams
Alex Oshmyansky, MD, PhD, CEO & Founder, Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company, PBC
Find out how the pharmaceutical company is radically reducing prescription costs with a direct-to-consumer pharmacy. Their model removes the middleman and price negotiations to drastically expand access and affordability of lifesaving prescriptions. His inspirational story will remind us that transformation is achievable.

5:00pm – 6:00pm – Focus Groups

5:30pm – 6:30pm – Faculty and Alumni Happy Hour (Invitation Only)

7:00pm – 10:00pm- AMSA National Award Ceremony (Invitation Only)


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